Archives: awards

2024 The 19th “Hong Kong Branding Awards” presented by the Hong Kong Brand Development Council and the Federation of Hong Kong Chinese Manufacturers

The 19th Hong Kong Brand Awards, organized by the Hong Kong Brand Development Council and the Federation of Hong Kong Industries, saw “ABC Pathways School” successfully win the “Hong Kong Service Brand” award after a rigorous selection process. The “Hong Kong Service Brand Awards” aim to recognize outstanding service brands

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2023 “Happy School Happy Campus Incentive Program 2022-23” ABC Pathways International Kindergarten has been awarded the “Excellent Campus Award (Kindergarten)” and the “Outstanding Achievement Special Grand Award”

Bally, the supervisor of ABC Pathways International Kindergarten, along with the ABC Pathways team, attended the inaugural “Happy School Award Program 2022-23” organized by the Chief Happiness Officer Association (CHO). In addition to ABC Pathways, several friendly and allied schools of ABC were also awarded, including Pui Tak Canossian College,

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2022 “People Development Award (Program) – Merit Award” of The Hong Kong Association for Customer Service Excellence (HKACE) Service Excellence Award 2022

The “Quality Customer Service Awards Ceremony” organized by the Hong Kong Association for Customer Service Excellence was held this year with the theme “Service, Excellence, Engage, Empower, Elevate”. Top international and local service industry leaders were selected as industry elites to receive awards for their outstanding customer service. The ceremony

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2022″The HKMA Best Management Training and Development Awards 2022″ presents the “A Special Award – Excellent Campaign for Organizations with 500 Employees or Less”

Congratulations! ABC Pathways Group is honored to receive the “Excellent Campaign for Organizations with 500 Employees or Less” presented by the HKMA Award for Excellence in Training and Development 2022. Bally, as the representative, accepts this prestigious award. This recognition is a testament to the collective efforts of everyone at

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2021The “HKMA/ViuTV & Now TV Marketing Awards” presents the “Outstanding Crisis Response and Management Award” and the “Outstanding Marketing Planner Award”

As the representative of an educational institution receiving the HKMA/ViuTV and Now TV Awards for Marketing Excellence 2021, Special Award: Excellence in Agility and Crisis Management for the second consecutive year, I am deeply grateful for the recognition from the organizers and the judges. I believe that to achieve a

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2021 The “Hong Kong Association for Customer Service Excellence (HKACE) Service Awards 2021” presents the “Outstanding Group Award: Internal Support Service (Merit Award)” and the “Customer Care Award: Bronze Award”

Every day, a heartfelt commitment: Excellent Customer Service Awards x ABC Pathways School In the education industry, especially in early childhood education, we must operate with sincerity because children’s reactions are the most genuine. That’s why the ABC Pathways Group, with a team of over 300 people, is dedicated to

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2021 The “HKMA Sustainability Award” recognizes excellence in sustainable development in Hong Kong

《HKMA Sustainability Award HKMA Sustainability Award》 ABC Pathways School ‧ Special Recognition for Outstanding Sustainability Initiative (Social Dimension)   ABC Pathways International Kindergarten ‧ 「 Certificate of Excellence 」 ‧ 「 Special Recognition for Outstanding Sustainability Initiative (Economic Dimension) 」 ‧ 「 Special Recognition for Outstanding Sustainability Initiative (Social Dimension)

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